Provide access to high quality education, with acknowledged international curriculum and innovative teaching method.
Instill the values of leadership, nationalism, ethics, through character education and supporting activities for personal and professional development.
Establish public and private partnerships, including educational institution, industry, dan community to elevate education quality.
We accelerate development of Full Boarding High School with IB Diploma Curriculum in Indonesia

IB Diploma School Design & Construction
We offer comprehensive consultation for design and construction of schools that meet the needs of IB Diploma programs.

IB Diploma School Operations
We provide upgrading and management services for schools with an IB Diploma curriculum, either under its own brand or the Akademi Kader Bangsa brand.

IB Diploma Scholarship Management
Managing the Fellowship Kader Bangsa program for talented students to pursue an IB Diploma education with reduced fees or free of charge, especially for students from underprivileged families.

Top school design firm that has designed more than 600 premier high schools worldwide.

One of the leading universities for teacher training, collaborating on teacher exchanges to Akademi Kader Bangsa.

One of the best golf courses in Indonesia, providing specialized golf training programs for teenagers.

One of the best firms for STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, maths) learning modules.

One of the best business schools in the world, providing additional entrepreneurship curriculum.

Land and building partners for Akademi Kader Bangsa / schools operated by YPKBI (not exhaustive).
For School Design, YPKBI Collaborates With DLR: The World’s Best School Design Firm


100% Boarding
The boarding environment provides a conducive learning space and access to supportive facilities, which is often difficult for students from lower-middle-class backgrounds to access.
The boarding system also supports intensive interaction between students and mentors living in the dormitory.

Needs Blind Admission
We strive for merit-based student admissions regardless of financial capability, supported by the Fellowship Kader Bangsa scholarship.
We aim more than 25% of our students will be funded by scholarships, including living expenses.

Nationalism and Globalism
We are committed to educating students who are globally competent and possess high spirit of Indonesian nationalism.
Our philosophy is that Akademi Kader Bangsa graduates would love their religion, family, and country.


Meutya Viada Hafid, B.Eng., M.IP
Current Minister of Communication and Digital. A graduate of Crescent Girls School boarding high school in Singapore, with a Master's degree from University of Indonesia.

Easy Arisarwindha, B.Eng., M.Sc.
Current CFO at Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS). A graduate of Crescent Girls School boarding high school, with a Master's degree from Singapore Management University.

Dirgayuza Setiawan, M.Sc. (Oxford)
Chairman, Co-founder
Author and social activist. A graduate of SPH Sentul boarding high school, with a Master's degree from Oxford University.

Miftah Sabri
Social entrepreneur and education activist.
A graduate of SMAN 1 Padang Panjang, with a Bachelor's degree from UI.

Dwi Agus Yuliantoro,Ph. D
The first principal of SMA Pradita Dirgantara for IB, with a PhD in education from Michigan State University.
Track Record of Our Governing Board